Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Question of Language

I'm doing my degree in this self-proclaimed western college in Bangalore. I have noticed many of my classmates who speak only in English and that's even if you speak to them in any other language. I find it pretty weird because when your in a particular state, you should speak the native language. I even know that English is also important because it opens up a lot of doors, but that doesn't mean you should ignore your own language. I have seen most people who are ashamed to speak in Kannada!
Is it just a show-off that you are an American or Brit? Or is it just cool?
Actually, the more languages you learn and use, the more is your intellect. This is because the learning of a new language involves a lot of skill and uses a lot of your mental capacity.
I went to Agra, UP, when i was 8 or 9 yrs old. I knew only 2 languages, i.e. Kannada and English. When i joined school i was frustrated because, there even in an english-medium school, all the teaching would be done in Hindi which was new to me. It was very tough in understanding the lessons,etc. Eventually, with everyday interaction with the locals and the neighbors i picked up the language pretty fast and as an extra, i even learnt a few not-so-good words too.
I feel learning languages is an added advantage in our lives. You may meet many people in life who don't understand English, but may know Hindi. It becomes easier to converse with them.


Unknown said...

got a point there boy why cant we be just us rather than trying to be cool to otheres.... kannada is no alian langauge .... you are freakin born and live in the land that speaks kannada ..... so just speak it!

Spine said...

I believe a language is just a language. Just because you're born in a certain place, you need not necessarily have to want to speak primarily in the so-called native language of the place. For me, it's more of a personal decision. As long as there is effective communication, I see no problem in the mode of it.