Thursday, October 13, 2011

Do we really care for the disabled?

The word 'normal'- How do we define it? Normal is culture specific, or rather person-specific. My normal and your normal may be totally different. I can go on about normal and stuff related to it for a year- so I'll stop here. I thank the creator for giving me eyes (though slightly defective- God- I have to talk to you about the spectacles.) Do you guys wonder what is inside it? I do know the usual- cornea, retina, rods and cones but still, what is that thing which makes you see everything around you and not bump into a tree? I try to look into the mirror, stare deep into my eyes hoping for an answer. Ah well, I see nothing. I'm really happy because I can experience the beauty around me. The greenery, a seed, a leaf, a beautiful car, a lovely stone building. We take everything for granted. Just spend a moment and think how it would be to be blind, deaf, confined to a wheelchair. Don't you think you are 'gifted'?

Having everything we can help others who are less fortunate or are we so selfish? A blind man trying to cross the road, he has a stick and he's fumbling and I see a gentleman approach him and gets him to the other side. I'm happy to look at this noble act. But, do any of us especially the ones driving, do we stop and let the person cross the road? No way! We just want to drive on "hey man! I have a Merc! Let the other guy wait till his atrophied, why should I stop?" I find this sort of thinking really scary and dangerous. I wish, at least for one day some of these fools go blind.
Now, senior citizens. They are already anxious with all the noise of the traffic and the honking, why do we want to punish them with more honking? Can't we spare 20 secs. from our 'really busy' lives to let them cross the road? And how can we always be busy? Need to meet a friend urgently? Need to see your girl-friend? Can't wait to remove your trousers? This applies to all those people who honk behind me when I stop to let pedestrians cross the road. I'm not preaching here- it's just manners.
I worked in a special school in Bangalore for 1 year and it was an eye-opener for me. I really enjoyed it and I felt I HAD to help children who are less fortunate than me. Taking them to the playground was a good experience in seeing people's reaction towards these children. There are some people who usual honk if we cross the road and the other people just stare as if these kids were aliens. I would like a bit of sensitivity, yes, not much because I feel I'm already asking for too much! How would it feel if someone stared at you like you were the special exhibit in a zoo?

Sorry for boring you guys but I had to say this! Think.

1 comment:

geethakarthik said...

Hey Anand nice to see u blog..Ya very few ppl care to stop to let the blind or an elderly person cross.Now a days ppl dont even wait if they see young kids cross the road..They just go zoom zooooom.Hope atlest ppl who read this do their bit for the society.It just gives us a feel good factor u knw:)